Copyright law protects creative expressions of ideas fixed in tangible media. However, copyright law does not protect ideas themselves. In fact, except for information that qualifies as a trade secret (and ignoring patent law, which is a separate issue altogether), United States law does not provid Read More
This part will assume that you already have that in place and locked.

The next step would be how to make people aware of your existence. This article will discuss the importance of zeroing in on a market and developing brand identities.

How To Develop Your Small Business Brand: Identifying yo Read More
So when your company has seemingly unrealistic expectations about building an online blog community, pull this blog post out as a reminder that there are many solid business reasons to have a blog, even if the crickets are chirping in the comment section! Read More
You’ve got to know who you are, what your purpose and focus is and where you intend to go with your blog. Read More
The dreaded “The remote server returned an error: NotFound” error message in RIA Services can be frustrating if you are not aware of what it really means, and more importantly how to diagnose it. This generic error message is due to network stack limitation Read More
The eighth post (about making mistakes as an entrepreneur) in a new series on David Siteman Garland's adventures in business and entrepreneurship. Read More
The conventional wisdom is that “early adopters” are the ideal target for startups, to get business rolling. I see two pitfalls with any concerted focus on early adopters; first, the size of this group may not be as large as you think, and secondly, their feedback may lead you directly away from yo Read More
Welcome to my new Blog Audit Friday!For those of your who live outside the U.S., a note about what today is. The Friday after Thanksgiving day (which was yesterday) is called "Black Friday" because It's the biggest and the most insane shopping day of the year!So if you are joining me here today - t Read More
I hope you’ve recovered from your turkey comma, and your pants aren’t feeling too tight after yesterday’s Thanksgiving food fest. One big holiday down, one more that will be here before you know it. The holiday season is in full swing, but that doesn’t mean that your business productivity should. Read More
“An executive is a man who decides. Sometimes he decides right. But he always decides.” – John Patterson.
To me, decision making is the absolute essence of business. Nothing else involves so much risk and courage. Read More

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