Ahhh..effective time management. A life-long dream for someone like me who has spent her life on the procrastination highway. But something happened as I traversed from my third decade to my fourth. Was it some sort of internal alarm, genetically set by my parents’ genes? If that’s true, I am s Read More
I would like to announce the official launch of our sister site, Cloud Business Review - a site about small business cloud and cloud business reviews. Read More
WordPress Automatic Upgrade is a plugin that automatically upgrades your wordpress version to the latest files provided by wordpress, which means it helps you easily upgrading you to easily upgrade your wordpress installation to the latest version provided by wordpress, without having to download o Read More
TweetMe is a simple WordPress Plugin that posts a tweet to Twitter when you publish a blog post. You decide what format the tweet takes by modifying sample string. Read More
The latest report from the tech world reveals that Dell has almost finished a deal that is sure to boost its cloud business ventures. Losing the 3Par bid war to Hewlett Packard, Dell had been in search of some suitable takeover projects that would help its business cloud missions. Read More
Roaming the internet I came across this statement about video marketing. Video is a complex, highly multidisciplinary art, and extracting the best out of it is not as simple and clear-cut as writing a news story or a blog post. I read this after making... Read More
Reuters reports that Blekko, a new tech startup based out of Silicon Valley, is planning to release a test version of search engine that uses actual humans to rank websites according to their relevancy and value. Read More
This is a question that we get asked over and over. I have laid out the various pros and cons in mind-map format and hope you can see it clearly... Read More
Great performers in sales are always seeking an edge, and they are eminently coachable.
Here is what you need to know to be coachable. Read More
Email marketing programs are booming in popularity among both small and big businesses. After all, it is a cost-efficient technique to achieve marketing destinations. Many organization harness the ability of e-mail marketing to send out regular daily updates, while other people send a more tradition... Read More

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