Project costing is still something that businesses get wrong, even if they have done a similar project in the past. Project costing may not be 100% accurate, but businesses can do more to get closer to that number. Read More
If you are an entrepreneur these days, or trying to grow an existing business, everyone is telling you that you need to use social media. There are many ‘experts’ out there telling you how to do it, or even offering their services. But very few are talking about how to measure your results, and the Read More
Some say Mark Zuckerberg was lucky with Facebook being so successful. Others say Zuckerberg worked hard. Do great ideas succeed because of luck or hard work? Read More
The Twitter microblogging service almost constant change for the last few years has undergone, but nothing is more important than what we see in the redesign of today (and the next few days if the changes roll-out). Read More
Site speed basically refers to how quickly your site loads in response to web requests.
The quicker it loads, the happier you make both your visitors and Google – and that, my friend, is a great place to be.
So how do you know your site speed is up to par?
Here is a list of tools to help you det Read More
This post discusses the idea that marketing might not be what you think it is. Instead, everything (whether it be a blog post, tweet, or email) is marketing. Read More
Did you know that video makes up 51% of all web traffic vs. 23% for written site and the web? Are you using video to sell? Here are 3 tips to help you start using video to sell. Read More
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. Read More
The font style management allows an unlimited number of different styles to be created. And the additional features are image caching system is enabled to reduce page load times, and all images are SEO friendly by inserting ALT and TITLE attribute automatically. Read More
Here we are with our fourth roundup. RoundUps are specially used to make visitors have a glance look on the topic posted on crunchynow. Now you can even take a look at our weekly roundup for every weeks. Read More

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