In this practical, hands-on webinar, small and mid-sized nonprofit leaders will learn how to make their brands stand out to funders, donors, and potential partners. Learn how to evaluate your brand and revitalize it so it represents your vision and attracts new donors.
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When you are buying pay-per-click advertising, bidding on keywords that denote buyer-intent is essential to reach people who are ready to buy rather than people who are still in research-mode. Make sure your keywords and ad copy target people who are looking to buy. Read More
How to use HTML Popup Domination stand alone version, step by step to create landing page with an attractive HTML popup to increase email list opt-in Read More
New sources of finance aim to compensate for the inertia of big banks. SCOTMAS, a family-owned company based in Scotland, is the kind of business on which Britain’s economic recovery might depend. Read More
Recent comments is a most popular widget available for Blogger as well as Wordpress. Today we are going to show how to add up Recent comments in Blogger Blog. Read More
If you are a small business owners or contemplating to start a business, building business credit for your company is a fair idea. Read More
Author Information Widget Widget shows the about me text, gravatar and social network/contact links of one or more author(s) of your blog. You can add this widget to sidebars on author relevant sections, i.e. pages, posts or author archives. Read More
Let’s say, you have a website that gathers news from RSS feeds with some sort of parser. Sometimes, for whatever reason, you might get multiple versions of the same post. Delete Duplicate Posts will come to the rescue for you. Read More
I’m always really interested to see how other companies are using social media and where they’re finding success. Read More
“Social Media” seems to be a very common buzzword these days, but it is often used without any sort of real meaning. Lots of advice on using social media is around for small businesses, but very little of it is actually good or worthwhile. Let’s take a closer look at Twitter, and whether or not it Read More

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