Search – everyone is doing it and it has becoming quite the habit on the web. So how much do you value having the search capabilities on your website for visitors? Google changed the way we find information and it’s what they are known for the most besides everything else that they have done. Sure Read More
I came to the realization recently that I don’t like Facebook much. Facebook as an aggregate collection of services does not perform any individual service very well. So what does Facebook do right? It does four things right.
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Not too long ago I’ve learned of a Los Angeles-based company called uCubd, and got really interested in it because of two things: (i) cool technology, and (ii) the fact that their technology is already integrated with at least one affiliate program, the Amazon’s one.

So, I sat down with one of t Read More
While many small businesses decide that some other organization is right for them, it is true that the C Corporation can be of use, depending on your ultimate goals. It's worth knowing a little bit about it. Read More
Find out how you can embed a contact form to your facebook fan page using Static FBML to encourage inquiries and feedback from fans and visitors. Read More
How many times do I have to read about how important article marketing is, or what is SEO, or general theory on blogging? And then those bloggers wonder why their content is not being shared… because I don't want to have my name anywhere near their generic worthless posts! Read More
Going green isn’t just the responsibility of big industry; small business makes up half of the nation’s private workforce and likewise consumes half of its energy sources. Yet many businesses are deferring any plans to “go green” because they see it as a costly investment. This guide strives to pro Read More
You want enthusiasm to be the virus that spreads not negativity. Create a positive culture that energizes people. Encourage tweaking of routines, schedules, human resources. Read More
Forget spamming, blind emailing, and bot crawlers, it's time you started building links for your website naturally. If you create quality content, the links will come. Here are a few attributes you can add to your content to catch links hook, line, and sinker. Read More
Discussing the importance of macro and micro relationship building and how to ensure that when the time comes, people are there for you. Read More

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