Interview with Ali Brown founder of Ali International on what it takes to build an entrepreneurial empire. Includes tips for building an empire of your own Read More
Want to know 5 tips for promoting yourself better? The back of your business card is often blank and a waste of a perfect opportunity to promote your company, product or service. How to use 50% of your business card to gain business Read More
Everybody has seen Star Wars haven't they? They know the story its mythology and characters. In this funny video animated by Joe Nicolosi he takes the story retold by his friend Amanda who has never seen the movie trilogy and takes it to another place ... far far away.

it may make you think a little about what story people are telling about your brand Read More
More free ideas! This is the second video-answer and we still have three left! Have a look and tell us what else would you add to make Made in Hollywood remarkable with social media.. Read More
Those companies simply paying lip-service to the adage that Customers Come First and the Customers are always right need to embrace change head on.. Read More
An effective small business brochure is meant to benefit your business and its customers. Content should be powerful and the design should create desire in order to fulfill your marketing objectives. Assessing every small detail on your brochures is necessary to ensure that you are producing valuable advertising tools for your business. Read More
Given all the triggers that cause procrastination, leaving your comfort zone has got to be at the top of the list! It's about how we perceive what is outside of our comfort zone. We do make it seem so foreign. It doesn't really matter if it's a different kind of dance, music, or business strategy. When we reach a plateau with our small businesses.. Read More
Your SPARKLE words should always include some kind of specific, value-perceived offer . . . something your prospective sales leads (individuals or organizations) can get in return for responding to your marketing message, along with a description of what step or steps need to be taken in order to “cash in” on the offer Read More
Promoting your kid-focused business can be tough, since you have to convince both children and their parents to purchase your products or use your services. Notice how TV commercials attract kids? They know what make kids tick and what parents look for in a product or service. TV advertisements use jingles, mascots, or cartoons to appeal to children and since you can’t do these on print, you can follow the following tips on writing and designing brochures for kids Read More
When it comes to marketing your business, it’s important that you also find time to reach out and listen to what your customers have to say. You probably use social media to communicate with your customer base, but you should remember that nothing compares to adding personal touch to your client interactions. The best way to do this is by including direct postcard mailing in your promotional campaign Read More

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