So everyone knows by now, the power of social media lies in 'having a conversation' with your customer and community. If used correctly it helps connect you with them on a human to human level vs. business to consumer. It allows your customer to learn about you in real time, and also allows you to learn about them. Read More
Interview with the CEO of Shipwire Damon Schechter on tips for entrepreneurs shipping physical products and looking to save money. Read More
Successful sales people know how to ask for what they need and want. Here are 12 things you need to ask for when meeting with customers and prospects. Read More
Did you know that people can post a review of your business in Google Maps? Google also pulls reviews from other sites (Citysearch, Insiderpages) and automatically posts them to your business listing. Strangely, as the business owner, you have very little control over these reviews so you’ll have to add this to your “watch list” for online reputation management. Read More
Leno, Letterman & O'Brien are masters of pitching and selling ideas. It doesn't matter of you’re the president, CEO, CMO, manager, salesperson or applying for a job, your success depends on getting the right people to understand and buy your ideas. Here's how you can become a headliner in your career. Read More
Do you use Google News to find out what's happening in your industry? If you don't, you may be missing some great opportunities to find prospects and look for additional services your clients could use. Read More

Always Be Advancing

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5275 days ago
Negative sales behaviors result in reducing the likelihood of a sale. On larger, more complex deals, asking for the commitment to buy over and over again is a negative behavior, especially when closing for the commitment is premature. To succeed in sales, you must be able to obtain commitments for something that moves you closer to deal. It may not be A-B-C, always be closing. But it is surely A- Read More
Last week I spoke at PubCon South on the Analytics Strategy panel on the topic of social media. This is something I’m very passionate about and during my Read More
For years now, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for websites has been honed into a fine art with entire companies devoting considerable effort to defining best practices and touting the value of SEO for raising a site's performance on organic search listings. While I believe in the power of SEO, there is a new offering we have started providing to clients which we call Social Media Optimization ( Read More
Experts exist for a reason. For example, there are many tasks the average car owner can perform on their own with a little practice; they maybe can change the oil, replace brake pads, tune a few elements. But in many cases it’s far more efficient and effective to let an expert dig into the heart of the machine to make it really purr. Read More

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