Facebook and similar networks where “socializing” is truly the main objective can be ineffective marketing platforms for many businesses. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have a fan page for your business but, what I am saying is that you have to prioritize the amount of effort you provision for each online marketing vehicle based on simple ROTI. (Return On Time Invested) Read More
China overtook the United States in renewable energy investments in 2009, attracting nearly twice as many dollars and becoming the world's largest market for clean energy projects for the first time ever. Read More
How to get a mentor. Learning from others is the best way to get from point A to Point Z. Mentors can be found in a lot of different places, you just have to know how to look. Read More
Sales people should consider either outsourcing their excuses for not doing what they should, or do a better job of executing their sales so they don’t need excuses. But not doing what they need to and having weak excuses to rationalize this just don’t cut it. Read More
ah....the simple days....when your idea of a good ROI was exchanging a bag of carrots for a peanut butter sandwich at lunch time! Little did we know at the time, our Kindergarten experiences were help building the foundation for successful business ownership down the line. Here are a few of the many lessons we learned in those years, just in case you forgot. Read More
Wikis have become very popular nowadays and are being used by people firstly for sharing knowledge and expertise on a topic with others. In a nutshell wiki structure allows one to create a webpage which can be accessed and modified easily by everyone. Read More
There is no way to succeed in sales without selling. Selling requires opening relationships and prospecting, and it requires asking for and obtaining commitments. The cottage industry that markets the idea that success can be had without these are marketing a lie. The profession would do well to train their salespeople to sell instead of giving them false hope. Read More
It is interesting to note that there is a 50% increase in the number of potential patients who are happy with the customer service they receive from our free clinics compared to our paying clinics. However, there is a 400% difference in their respective conversion rates. Read More
To get a better understanding of the components of successful transitional leadership, it is helpful to examine and understand its counterparty - failure. Read More
We have an insatiable desire to be different. This desire to be different from people around us is so strong that even 1-degree of separation makes us feel special about ourselves. Read More

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