It is necessary for a business to have a clear credit score. This is one aspect of small business that one must work out. If you have a clear credit score, you can have the opportunity to acquire financing easily. Read More
Maintaining an organization structure that facilitates percolation and acceptance of the best ideas from every source possible is crucial to a small business in this fast changing world. We must be open to different thinking and constructive dialogue between ourselves, our customers and our partners on ways to do our job better. Here are a few ways to properly take on new ideas in your business. Read More
Nowadays businesses talk a lot about outsourcing, citing cost-saving benefits. But is outsourcing really does all good? Here we will learn more about the disadvantages outsourcing may bring. Read More
Most business owners feel one of two ways about projections. Either they feel projections are worthless because they cannot predict the future, or they are approach them with so much optimism that they actually are worthless. These four tips will help any entrepreneur get on track with meaningful projections! Read More
John Sala is a successful franchisee of Wild Bird Centers of America, Inc. Since taking over their store in 2003, he and his wife Sue have owned and operated the Timonium, Maryland location which was just named to the “Best of Baltimore 2009? by Baltimore Magazine. Before news of the award came out, I interviewed John for…
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How to thrive in a down economy? Cut overhead and focus 100% on client satisfaction. Shelley Birnbaum is passionate about her work and it shows. Her enthusiasm for Renew Organic Skin Care is off the charts. The loyal clients of her Baltimore, Maryland small business are proof that entrepreneurs who keep overhead low can survive (and even thrive) in any economy.
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What's your personal brand strategy? Social Media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are just tactical “vehicles” through which you can communicate your brand strategy (whether it is your personal brand or your company brand)... Read More
When a business wants to provide a service via their website or web application, they want to ensure that their users experience a good service without compromising on security. This blog discusses building in a focus on security from the start when building a website or application to ensure a quality and secure user experience. Read More
Today there are over 37.9 million people ages 65 and older in the United States, according to US Census’s population estimates…, and projections estimate that the senior demographic will balloon to 88.5 million in 2050.

The dramatic increase in the number of people living in retirement age presents new challenges for the growing number of families that are unable to provide relative-to-relat Read More
Twitter’s role as a conduit for the Zeitgeist is unrivaled, and it has almost single-handedly ushered in the era of real-time search, and social CRM. But, it’s the online equivalent of HBO – important more because of who uses it and the media’s infatuation with it, rather than the actual size and impact of its audience. Read More

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