If you own a small retail clothing boutique, and are looking for new ways to market your business, consider hosting a fashion show at your clothing store. Read More
Businesses with a culture of openness and free-flowing information fare better in challenging economic times, says Quint Studer, author of Straight A Leadership: Alignment, Action, Accountability. That’s because employees feel more connected to the big financial picture and, as a result, work harder and are more efficient. Read More
In today’s highly competitive business environment, understanding your target audience and how your product or service offerings differ from the competition’s is especially important. That’s where customer satisfaction research comes in. You need to ask your customers how your company is performing in their eyes, rather than make an educated guess about what they think of your business. Read More
Defining your company’s brand enables you to present the most important facts about your business in a compelling way, helping you to better connect with your target customers. But that’s certainly easier said than done, says Erin Ferree, founder of elf design. Read More
Is your website built to convert customers? Check out these tips on testing and improving your website's usability. Read More
Last week Matt Cutts gave an interesting interview in which he revealed some things that will help webmasters to better optimize their websites. Here are the most important things that Matt Cutts said in the interview: Read More
We talk about the importance of seasonal holidays and timely angles in the PR Toolkit for Small Business, so each of the following topics are angles that are relevant to April in short term planning. Use these ideas to help generate possible stories for your company you can develop to pitch a reporter during the month of April. Read More
It may appear tough but be entirely true and upfront with your customer right from the start.
Tell them if their plan is not attainable or if you don’t have all of the resource,
funds and time required to present it successfully from the start.
Set their outlooks by telling them what you will present and by when.
And if it eventuates that you can’t carry on your assurances,
then tell th Read More
Canadians spend more time on the Internet than on the TV. What will come as a shock is the disproportionate advertising spend that goes to Newspapers compared to the Internet – This will show that the end of newspapers is near. Read More
One great thing about small businesses is their ability to produce results. They don't have to worry about many of the things that slow down corporations like stock prices and endless reporting. With less administration needed they can spend more of their time generating revenue and growing the business. But how should the business grow? Where should the business go to find new customers? Wh Read More

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