It’s a fact—towards the end of a recession, when the economy starts perking up—the most talented people start looking around for other opportunities. Read More
“The best way to be sure you have a lot to look forward to in life is to work to create a future you want to live in.” ~ Charlie Eitel Read More
Taking a page from her recently published book, Plugged, Krissi Barr looked to leverage both social media and traditional advertising to spread the word about her book’s message. Read More
It is hard to imagine too many marketers refusing to read Ad Age. Ad Age is one of those benchmark publications that sets tone and language for entire industries. That’s why it’s interesting to see respected author and analyst Ken Doctor using the term in a recent article entitled ”Do Marketers Still Need News Brands?”. According to Doctor, news media brands are “… spending $65 billion a year on Read More
Author Chuggin McCoffee As an online business, you may have already discovered how important it is to approach networking in a completely different way. Read More
A unique business model on generating leads for your business with Jason Bahnak from Gateway Business Development. Read More
Facebook has proved to be a very important tool for the 1.5 million local businesses that are on it but what happens if it turns against you? Last week, Nestle got into a sticky situation on their Facebook page.
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A good password has to balance security with our ability to remember it, because minimizing the number of places that a password is written down or otherwise recorded is a good idea. It’s a tough line — the most memorable passwords are the easiest to crack, while the most secure are a jumble of characters that are impossible to recall. But there are some steps you can take to create a reasonably Read More
If you own a small retail clothing boutique, and are looking for new ways to market your business, consider hosting a fashion show at your clothing store. Read More
Businesses with a culture of openness and free-flowing information fare better in challenging economic times, says Quint Studer, author of Straight A Leadership: Alignment, Action, Accountability. That’s because employees feel more connected to the big financial picture and, as a result, work harder and are more efficient. Read More

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