These Reasons are good enough for any business owner to opt for a mobile website while planning for business expansions. However to implement the above features more effectively Mobile SEO needs to be done. Read More
In the past, success in sales depended very heavily on the salesperson’s sales acumen. While sales acumen is still necessary, business acumen is now equally as important as sales acumen (and in many cases, more!). The business of sales is now the business of business. Use this list to build a plan to improve your business acumen. Read More
The internet is full of so called search engine marketing consultants that offer quality search engine optimization services can be a challenge. Read More
Interested in starting a business? This post is the first in a series that will detail 100 Business Ideas. Each week, we’ll post an article describing 10 businesses in a specific category. This week’s post gives you ideas for businesses you can work out of your home. A future post will discus Internet businesses, so they aren’t on this week’s list. Stay tuned for all the lists, and then look Read More
Big companies can become arrogant. Most find false security in the “size” of the company. They can’t escape the old thinking that suggest “size matters”. The same thinking can bring them into ruins.

Don’t become a dinosaur. Act small and keep the “entrepreneurial spirit” burning.
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I was in Vancouver during the last weekend of the 2010 Winter Olympics. I have to say I was really impressed by the city’s organization, appearance, and performance quality. But most of all, I was impressed with how they handled themselves professionally and creatively to overcome shortcomings and criticism of the winter games. Read More
Marketing is about leverage. How do you turn two... clients, dollars, sales... into three? Are you focused on your Right Market? Read More
If you haven’t jumped on the social media marketing (SMM) bandwagon as part of your brand-building strategy because you think it’s just a fad with no real bottom-line benefit, think again. SMM is a vital addition to any PR campaign. It can lead to more customers and higher sales — the exact payoff every business needs. Read More
In a public speaking role, your goal is to deliver a specific message and make it stick with the audience. But in an effort to save on travel costs, more businesses are shunning in-person events for webinars — live presentations delivered over the Internet. So how do you catch and keep listeners’ attention? Read More
Web 2.0 online marketing and social media/networking are all the rage! As this topic is very hot, this article provides an overview and is the first in a series of articles on the subject. Don’t be left behind! Don’t miss this or future posts. Read More

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