Everyone has a different system for consuming their daily dose of news and information so you need to make sure you’re presenting your message in the most effective manner for each area of your ecosystem. Read More
This means setting up a web based business is cheap – cheaper in fact than it has ever been to set up a business. We all moan and complain about how difficult it is to get start up capital, but think how difficult it would be if you needed tens of millions to build a factory before you even made a single sale! Read More
According to MENG (Marketing Executives Networking Group) more companies will be turning to social media in the next year than ever before. Senior-level marketers and execs are rapidly realizing that a strong online presence can be obtained through the use of social bookmarking, and the following stats from the third annual MENG Marketing Trends Study: Read More
I have a stunning admission to make: I sing in the shower.

There. I said it. I'm a shower singer: Billie Jean; Fly Me to the Moon; The second movement of Brahms' German Requiem; Single Ladies; Birthday Sex; Macarena...they're all in my shower repertoire. Our dog LuLu loves it. My wife? Not so much.

One thing I enjoy about singing in my shower is the standing waves you hit on certain pitches Read More
The importance of taking notes in a sales meeting. 6 tips and advice including one extra piece of advice that makes your prospect take notice. Read More

Leads without cold-calling

Avatar Posted by celius under Sales
From http://celi.us 5314 days ago
Using your time on the best leads will take your sales-rate to new heights. But how do we find them? I've got a way to work your way out of cold-calling and end up with more than enough solid prospects. Read More
Profit margins are key to business success. Project managers need to be aware of their importance and business owners must not be afraid of them. Read More
Some people say advertisement is a big waste of money with the advent of social media but I do not agree with that statement. It is an important part of marketing and there’s no escape from that fact. There are some that are created so professionally becomes an art on itself. Unfortunately, this usually isn’t the case these days.
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When you are running a small business on the Internet your design is the key to your overall success. However, there are a lot of small businesses on the Internet today that are not aware that there are basically four key elements that they need to consider. Read More
In continuation of the previous blog post (if you missed it, click here), I will discuss the answer to the questions posed. That is, what kind of marketing strategy would best fit each of the mentioned businesses? Read More

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