One major question I get asked all the time is, “How do I make my company visible?” I answer this the same way all the time, think outside the box. When I tell people this, they look at me like I have 3 heads. What I mean by the comment is, do something to make [...]
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Salespeople open relationships. Opening relationships is built upon the ability to prospect. Follow these steps to improve your prospecting results. Read More
During a recent radio show interview, the host made a passing comment that struck a chord for me. She said something like this: Sometimes the biggest asset you bring to your company can become your most limiting factor. Since I do a great deal of work helping people discover and release limitations, her comment rang true.

Is it possible that the very thing that makes you an asset to your com Read More
If you've done your homework, presenting a solution that exactly fits your prospects needs is a cinch. Here's how to do it. Read More
If the consumer is in complete control it is vitally important marketers do not waste their time. If consumers demand information, and do not feel beholden to geographic restrictions, then mobile marketing must be a part of any marketing mix. That means coupons and offers, in-stock alerts, loyalty programs, etc. must all be offered to integrate the digital world into the brick-and-mortar experien Read More

By way of introduction this SEO FAQ: 30+ SEO questions you always wanted an answer to was started by Berlin-based SEO specialist, Tad Chef. He has challenged at least 10 other SEO specialists to create FAQs that will outrank “fake” SEO FAQs for the search term SEO FAQ.

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This article looks at the changes in pharma in 2010. The reality is that most of the changes are cosmetic and don't address the systemic issues. Read More
Are we underestimating the intelligence of the B2B community to be able to decipher whether a proposition is for them or for a consumer? Read More
A/B testing is great for iteratively improving web applications. I have had loads of conversations with startups who are using it to test. However, they all Read More
In their excitement to open a kiosk, it's all too easy for new kiosk owners to commit some costly errors. This article offers a list of 4 common mistakes new kiosk owners make during deployment and how to avoid them. Read More

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