Quotes. Entrepreneurs are fascinated with them. They spark our creativity, motivate us to action, and inspire us to greatness. They offer us insights into the spirit behind innovation and genius. And they act as fuel to the blue-flame fire that burns deep within every true entrepreneur. Read More
Great example about how the way you handle quality problems can cause you to either lose clients or gain a competitive advantage. Read More
Before you can make an effective sales presentation, you need to know how your prospect makes decisions. How can you find out? Pay attention! Read More
The image of the entrepreneur as a risk taker is pervasive. It’s also a myth. This article explains why being an employee might well be riskier than starting your own business. Read More
Now, it is no surprise that social media is important. I think we all recognize that. However, many people do not know where to begin or justify its use. So you can imagine that the most talked about topics included the importance of implementing Social Media and the Return-On-Investment (ROI). Below are some key takeaways from the panelists. Read More
In order to provide users with the absolute most relevant search results, Google is doing its best to provide a more local, a more social results page. The days Read More

John JantschHope you can join me for a free webinar Wednesday March 3rd at 1pm CST as I reveal through the use of The Marketing Hourglasssm the logical progression that takes your customer from know to refer. Nail all the steps in between and you’ll teach your business to market itself! Read More

If you follow my writing you know that I’m a big fan of setting up routines that let you listen in on what’s being said about your brands, products, people, industry and competitors using free tools like Google Alerts. Google Alerts let you set-up custom searches and then have any mention of that search term sent to your RSS Reader (like Google Reader) or email in box as they happen or at the Read More
Some of the best facebook applications that will enhance your fan page visibility, entice new visitors to join while promote engagement among your fans. Read More
Perhaps the real reason why B2B brands so rarely use Valentine’s day as a cue for a marketing message is that they don’t think they can carry it off; because they don’t believe in it. In other words... Read More

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