Ideas like hosting your own local fashion show as a small retail boutique owner are what's going to separate you from competitors. Learn the power of creative marketing. Read More
There are a myriad of reasons why solutions to problems aren’t implemented. For instance, a business may not have the resources such as money or labor to implement the solution. However in most instances, it’s not a lack of resources that is the barrier, but rather it’s the lack of clarity and conviction where people get tripped up. Read More
In today’s Sales 2.0 environment, sales professionals, consultants, and small business owners are told that they need to create an online presence if they expect to achieve their sales goals and targets. However, too many people... Read More
How to get sponsors for your business, web series, podcast, blog and yourself. First step is identifying and giving first to begin the sponsor relationship. Read More
President Obama has been pushing for a small business plan that would stimulate job growth through opening doors for small business. Congress has yet to get Read More
While conventional marketing methods still plays a major role for promoting business, an increasing number of businesses are starting to realize the value of having a strong internet presence and the branding value that comes along with it. Internet marketing gives businesses no matter big or small, access to the global market at a reasonable price and it’s truly personalized marketing Read More
I don’t think Sales 2.0 is about sales at all. Think about how people on the web give everything away for FREE. That’s not selling! Sales 2.0 is all about marketing, branding, credibility, and positioning for the future.

So what does the future of sales look like? Let’s start by painting a picture of what’s happening with sales people today… Read More
I read a number of articles daily; including blog posts. They range from social media to humorous articles. However, there’s another step to do after reading; which is commenting on the articles that you’ve just read. From what I noticed, the number of blog comments has been going down south with the availability of other social media platforms. Read More
How Google alerts can be used in sales and marketing to help you see what is being said about you, your company, your product, your competitor, just about anything you can think off. Read More
You can now build and deploy an interactive Web dashboard to monitor KPI s (Key Performance Indicators) in few minutes, with no technical knowledge (only basic spreadsheet skill). Best of all it is 100% FREE! Learn how in this post.

Tracking business performance is quickly becoming a must, but creating performance dashboards still involves too much technical skill (IT knowledge) and cost. You Read More

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