As a long-time advisor to aspiring entrepreneurs, and a technology fan myself, I still meet dozens of techies with great solutions who assume they don’t need marketing to change the world. They subscribe to the myth that “if we build it, they will come.” In fact, with today’s information overload, Read More
The world order is changing as we speak as also our life. Covid-19 is leaving its’ traces on our way of thinking, leaving and dining. We are increasingly replacing going out for food by asking for a home-delivered meal. Cloud Kitchen comes into the picture in this scenario. Restauranteurs need to c Read More
What is the definition of traction for a business startup today? According to most investors I know, traction is some clear evidence that the “dogs are eating the dog food” – usually meaning that you have at least one customer paying full price for your solution. If your phone app or service is fre Read More
If you’ve had an entrepreneurial brainwave that’s going to change the world in ways that people can’t yet even imagine, you’re probably eager to dive right in and get started with your business start-up. Read More
Every startup and every new business needs a unique selling proposition (USP) to get people’s attention these days, and make it stand out in the information overload we all see. Your concept has to be understood by customers and investors in 30 seconds or less, and everyone needs to immediately see Read More
How to Start a Software Company: A Complete Guide

Thinking of launching a software startup? Check out this guide on how to start a software company before doing anything else. Read More
As a long-time advisor to entrepreneurs and business owners, I rarely find someone who doesn’t proclaim that the business world is changing rapidly, with new technology, new customer expectations, and new cultures. Yet, I’m still frustrated by the number of business owners that haven’t updated thei Read More
Some of us have opted to start our own businesses despite covid uncertainty. Here are a few methods to help you succeed as a startup. Read More
A novice business person may think that a promising concept is all that he or she needs to sustain a business venture successfully. However, a lot of business owners claim that a profitable business is not merely a lofty aspiration because establishing a startup business needs tremendous dedication Read More
Most young people who are completing their educational degree today think they will have learned all they need for their career ahead. Unfortunately, based on my own extensive experience in business, I have to tell them in my talks that most of what they know now will be obsolete in a few years. Th Read More

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