If you, like most aspiring entrepreneurs, want to capitalise on the potential of this booming market by hiring a custom software development service, this blog is for you. Read More
After many years in business, working in large companies as well as startups, I’m no longer surprised at why mature and successful companies struggle with introducing innovative new ventures as the market and environment changes. Their track record is dire, with only twelve percent of the companies Read More
PHP is a popular open-source server-side scripting language. Here is a complete explanation of PHP web development, including its pros and cons, as well as how to select the best PHP development business. Read More
One of the realities of being an entrepreneur is that you have to keep learning and changing to survive. Everyone on the startup team knows there is no buffer, and no personal isolation from impact based on your job description that can save you. Thus everyone has to make sure they are focusing on Read More
In my years of advising startups and occasional investing, I’ve seen many great ideas start and fail, but the right team always seems to make good things happen, even without the ultimate idea. That’s why investors say they invest in people (bet on the jockey, not the horse), rather than the idea. Read More
One of the most important things I was slow to learn in business was that real communication only happens when your audience finally hears and understands what you think is a perfectly clear message. As a business executive and leader, I found that meant I had to repeat most communication several t Read More
There are several reasons why Singapore is an ideal location for foreign companies looking to expand their operations overseas. Read More
Ensure your restaurant's success by learning how to design a restaurant menu that appeals to customers. Follow these tips. Read More
There is an old saying that good lawyers run away from risk, while good businessmen run towards risk. Entrepreneurs see “no risk” as meaning “no reward.” In reality, all risks are not the same. Many risks can be managed or calculated to improve growth or provide a competitive edge, while others, li Read More
Cleaning cars for a living might not sound glamorous but it could be the start of an incredibly lucrative career if you turn it into a business. Read More

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