These days having a website set up for your small business is an absolute must, of course; you don't need to be a genius to see that. And we've thankfully gone Read More
Since the days of Henry Ford, mass production has been the Holy Grail of business, rather than build-to-order. Too many businesses haven’t noticed that we have come full-circle, where mass customization is required now to win. Customers have come to expect immediate and tailor-made responses to the Read More
A successful business is made up of not only an innovative and fresh idea but also an adequate amount of funding the business requires. A good amount of funds is required to start and keep the business going on. Investing a huge amount of money or investing an insufficient amount into a business do Read More
Investing in education can be a gold mine for the innovative and smart entrepreneur. Here is a close look at 4 entrepreneurs who invest in education. Read More
The entrepreneur’s challenge is to effectively communicate their value proposition, not only to customers, but also to vendors, partners, investors, and their own team. Especially for technical founders, this is normally all about presenting impressive facts. But in reality facts only go so far. St Read More
True leaders realize that, by definition, the word "leader" places the leader at the front, and not the rear. Yet many, many executives try to lead through fear and intimidation. This isn’t really leading at all. It’s pushing. In startups, leading from the front means that you are not afraid to get Read More
These sports personalities are happy to use their skills and talents to earn a decent living as entrepreneurs: Don King, John Houlding, and Jorge Mendes. Read More
It's a question I hear frequently as more women start their own company, write a book, or turn their idea into a product. Read More
How can you tell if you’ve given everything you’ve got to your dream? Is it when your credit card is maxed and the cost no longer justifies the end goal? Or is it when the people who doubt you outnumber the ones who believe in you? Read More
Your startup has the next great idea, which is GREAT! But if you can't communicate that to your clients and customers that next great thing is going to have a tough time getting off the ground. Read More

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