Being a freelance work-at-home woman these days isn’t easy. If you get on it for the ride, be prepared for some bumps and falls off the saddle. Or, you could just learn from someone else’s mistakes… like mine. Read More
Using Website Analytics - An Interview With Yanik Silver. Learn from Yanik Silver on what entrepreneurs need to know in order to succeed. Read More
Every first-time entrepreneur, or even an experienced founder stepping into a new business area, needs a mentor. Nothing you have ever done raises so many questions, or has the potential to be so fulfilling, or so risky, as starting a new business for the first time. A mentor is a confidant who has Read More
They appear everywhere and seem to give of the vibe that they know everything.

So why is it on places like LinkedIn the supposed Social Media Advisor/Guru/Jedi/Ninja floats around LinkedIn answers looking for basic advice on social media platforms? Read More
Pebble E-Paper Watch is a customizable smartwatch created by Pebble Technology. The startup is one of the most funded crowdfunding projects so far. Read More
If you want to start a business in 2012, then take heart because the economy is improving overall and new ideas are flourishing. Innovation is perhaps the saving grace of any new business, and fortunately it seems as though the ideas for well-demanded products and services are anything but dried up Read More
Every entrepreneur tries to maximize his startup growth by building and selling more product and services for the widest geographic area that he can support. This strategy is called “organic growth,” yet it alone may yield only a fraction of the potential you could achieve, unless you add the addit Read More
While I am browsing for business ideas on crowdfunding sites, I can't help discovering eye-catching startup projects. Here are 5 of them you should check out. Read More
But for those you who are looking to fund a new a new a business, and don’t have prior savings, current income coming in, or an investor - there are still ways that you can squeeze funding for a new business into your budget. Read More
When you have a home business, especially one that offers services, it can be difficult to know when to draw the line. One of the hardest things about a home business is deciding what to charge your friends. Read More

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