Creating and building a business is not a one-man show. It requires a team effort, or at least the ability to build trust and confidence among key players, and effectively communicate with partners, team members, investors, vendors, and customers. These actions are the hallmark of an effective lead Read More
There may be several cons of starting and managing a home-based business, but inconveniences are inherent in any type of business, whether small or big. And just like any problem, there can always be things that we can do to solve them, or, at least manage them. The following are 15 tips that shall Read More
Every entrepreneur’s first question is seldom the easiest. Here are some tips to help you decide and get you pointed in the right direction. The first tip is to base your decision around what you love and are good at. Read more for the rest. Read More
The Kindle is a hot-selling product.

People like reading, and more and more are switching over to digital books because they are cheaper to buy, they can receive them instantly - and of course they can read them on their Kindles.

Authors want to publish their books in digital format so that t Read More
If you are an entrepreneur these days, or trying to grow an existing business, everyone is telling you that you need to use social media. There are many ‘experts’ out there telling you how to do it, or even offering their services. But very few are talking about how to measure your results, and the Read More
Did you know that you could be actively sabotaging your business success with your thoughts?

Do you tend to approach your work day from a proactive or reactive stance?

Learn what it means and what it takes to approach your day from a place of YES! and keep yourself open to the opportunities t Read More
Ghostwriting is increasingly prevalent as entrepreneurs, executives, and others try to free up time for other projects. You can provide those services as part of your freelance business. Read More
Why are some startups successful while others fizzle out? What does the same idea work for one person, but not for another? Why am I not successful? These are all good questions, and there's a good answer for them. Read More
Many business startups are like the euphoric stage of love. We ignore potential pitfalls. We see the rewards but are blind to the risks. We scoff at the idea of creating a business plan, because our passion for the business will conquer all! Read More
Many of us juggle side projects and are constantly coming up with the next "big idea." This post details the struggles of channeling this passion and feeding this passion, until you become a full-time entrepreneur. Read More

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