I recently watched the movie “We Bought A Zoo.” If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. It’s a very sweet and family-friendly movie. What you might not know is that this movie pretty much tells the story of every small business owner. It is a true story about a man named Benjamin Mee, who bo Read More
I’m always looking for evidence of early startup characteristics that might be predictors of long-term success. Every investor has his own list, usually based on his own very small sample, or simply his gut feeling. Of course, we would all like to have a magic list based on more definitive tracking Read More
Who says a walking tour business needs to be about exercise? Boston’s Yummy Walks is all about eating - food tasting that is. It combines the traditional sightseeing tour with food - something that adds to the experience and, of course, helps Yummy Tours stand out from the crowd.

Interestingly, Read More
Achieving work-life balance is hard enough, and adding in the fact that you’re working from home adds a whole dynamic to the juggling act. How can you possibly balance these two major components of your life when they are taking place in the same location? Read More
Startups provide leadership in the market. Entrepreneurs provide leadership to their startup. There are many styles of leadership, like dictatorial, laissez-faire, and democratic. One that I hear discussed more these days, in this age of relationships, is called “servant” leadership. Read More
Have you been wondering what’s been going on under the hood at DrShannonReece.com and Strategies and Tactics for Women? I just created a short video to give you the scoop.

I am in the process of tossing out the old stuff that is not working (at least as efficiently as I thought it should), to ma Read More
I recently received a request for information on how to start a taxicab business. I did some research, have listed some of the resources that I came up with, including licensing, accepting payments, free advertising and a free sample business plan. Read More
In today’s business startup environment, if you don’t move fast, you get run over. Without a sense of urgency, people and businesses just can’t move fast enough. Speed is the driver because customers have a zero tolerance for waiting, and there are always competitors gaining on you. Read More
Spring cleaning is not for your home alone. You have to spring clean your business every year. Business spring cleaning is not about removing the clutter that has accumulated over the past few months. Here we are discussing how to clear away the cobwebs of a recession and revisit the business goals Read More
A common question I get is “How do I get a bank loan to fund my startup?” The default answer is that it probably won’t happen, because most banks just don’t make bank loans to startups. The failure rate is just too high, and startups typically don’t have the assets or revenue stream to back up the Read More

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