Ann Howard is a general business counselor at SBTDC, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, takes a pass at this oft discussed aspect of starting a business. To be honest, business plans come in all shapes and sizes and the type of plan often depends on whether you plan to pitch to investors, seek financing or just go out and start looking for Read More
Buying an existing business has certain advantages over starting a new one. For example, says certified public accountant Amber Hill, buying an existing business allows you to get a good picture of how much you'll be able to make off the venture based on past sales. An important tip is to ask around to determine the business's reputation in the Read More
Choosing a web site host is easier than ever before but many small business owners and entrepreneurs are paralyzed by making a simple web site hosting decision. Here are my reasons why you should not stress about it, PLUS 5 criteria you can use to find the right web hosting company partner for your new web sites. Read More
In this article covering 10 tips for bootstapping your small business, Isabel M. Isidro, managing editor of, looks at this great approach of starting a business even without a substantial amount of investment. To be sure, there are different levels of bootstrapping. Some would argue that true bootstrapping can be done using nothin Read More
There's something new at, the official online business link to the U.S. government: community. Read More
Are you scappy? Small business, startups, need to be...scappy. Barry Moltz and Pam Slim tell why. Read More
Last week, Y Combinator debuted one of its new startups, Listia, which the site is describing as "auctions for free stuff". The basic concept is that users list items they no longer need or want, and other users bid on those items with points earned through the site by registering, referring friends, listing items or purchasing additional points Read More
Regardless of when an entrepreneur is looking to start their business, money can be made during a recession. It is a proven fact that many increased their portfolios even during the great depression. Unemployment statics consistent, how does that affect start ups. Read More
Adam McFarland of Musings of a Balding 26 Year Old Entrepreneur has the following observation about over thinking your small business idea. Don't do it! Using reprinted portions of a conversation with a San Diego entrepreneur, McFarland makes the case for launching your small business idea with as little money and time invested as possible. This Read More
From the trenches of a San Francisco-based entrepreneur, here is small business startup advice of a more subjective nature on the My Life, Starting Up blog. Suggestions include becoming involved only with those who share your passion and trying to find a way to pay anyone who doesn't have a vested interest in your company. The advice should be vi Read More

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