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Virtually every single small business or entrepreneur carries his or her entire life on some computer or laptop. Whether or not this is a smart idea, it's a fact and one that can't be denied. But like everything else in life, stuff happens. Computers are prone to crashing. Everything from virus attacks and theft, to natural disasters and hard driv Read More
Could you sell an unassembled snowman? asks Dane Carlson of the Business Opportunities Weblog. Here's another provocative post from Dane challenging entrepreneurs to think outside the box when considering a new business to launch. And how about a snowman that has to be frozen before use? Dane's purpose, of course, is not to suggest peddling a bu Read More
From blogger David Lavenda contributing to Fast Company, here are 10 small business mistakes common in many startups. I like number one "Drinking Your Own Kool-Aide". In a couple of ventures I have been involved in, this is often followed by a sense of disenchantment on the part of your team because the product did not catch on immediately and s Read More
This may the best, if somewhat controversial, list for people thinking about, or people making excuses to avoid, starting a business. Dane Carlson looks at what you REALLY need to start a small business by looking at what you don't. And what you don't need includes a long and, to some, alarming list including incorporation, an accountant, an att Read More
Though starting an online business may seem like the perfect home based business opportunity, be aware of some of the pitfalls awaiting the Internet entrepreneur. This post on the Biznez Blog looks at some of the worst problems that may stand in the way of becoming a successful online business owner. Above all, remember that all businesses present Read More
This great Website about how to start a t shirt business comes directly from folks who have, as they say, "talked the talk, walked the walk" at Though the instructions are specific for the t shirt industry, they are also pretty generally true for all successful business operation. Figure out who you hope to sell to, what you pla Read More
This post on 10 home business ideas for moms and others from Stephanie Chandler of Small Business Growth Strategies contains some obvious suggestions (virtual assistant, freelance writer) but check out some others like computer tutor, pet sitter or infopreneur. Like any other ideas for business, it's important to consider the limitations of your Read More
Here are 16 questions to ask before starting a business presented in video form with a contemporary soundtrack from The video would make a great blog post and even though these questions on everything from financing to whether you really have the temperament to become a small business owner don't come with much elaboration, Read More
A unique small business would help welcome newcomers and introduce them to their new community...and make a profit from local businesses at the same time. This great guest post from Bizymoms on Dane Carlson's Business Opportunities Weblog is one you might not think of immediately. Sure, we've all seen those folks show up with gift baskets on TV Read More
This link to an article on top 7 overrated small business ideas from Yahoo! Small Business comes with a reader's advisory from yours truly. Every now and then when I see posts like this on my Yahoo! landing page, I can't help but include them since they're certainly appropriate to bizSugar readers and members. It's very popular to come up with Read More

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