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Regardless of when an entrepreneur is looking to start their business, money can be made during a recession. It is a proven fact that many increased their portfolios even during the great depression. Unemployment statics consistent, how does that affect start ups. Read More
Adam McFarland of Musings of a Balding 26 Year Old Entrepreneur has the following observation about over thinking your small business idea. Don't do it! Using reprinted portions of a conversation with a San Diego entrepreneur, McFarland makes the case for launching your small business idea with as little money and time invested as possible. This Read More
From the trenches of a San Francisco-based entrepreneur, here is small business startup advice of a more subjective nature on the My Life, Starting Up blog. Suggestions include becoming involved only with those who share your passion and trying to find a way to pay anyone who doesn't have a vested interest in your company. The advice should be vi Read More
Startup Professionals Musings, by Martin Zwilling, shares why Founder's Syndrome is a health hazard and how it can be dangerous to your health. Read More
It is really a simple answer. We learn how to drive. We learn how to read. We learn how to write. No one teaches us the definition of perseverance and how to manage finances whether personal or business. No one teaches you BEFORE you open your business how to market. Ten things you need to open a business Read More
Sarah Beeny, presenter of Channel 4's Property Ladder has launched, an alternative and free way to sell your property online. Read More
This article from the Get Rich Slowly blog looks at some interesting tips for starting a small business. Some, including the suggestion that the fledgling entrepreneur keep his/her day job and grow the business slowly, you may have heard before. Others, however, like recommendation that you create boundaries and the admonishment against going into Read More
So often I see and hear of family members who dread spending time together and although I understand, it really is a shame. Having access to other minds, other ideas, other thoughts, other resources etc. all within the context of the unconditional love of a family is absolutely priceless. Read More
Ladies, don't abandon any urge you have to focus on your kids, but add a little business in there. You'll be surprised at the results. Some moms (especially the stay at homes) might not want to chat about that so don't engage with them. Instead, look for the other mom's who might be sheepishly checking their blackberries when they think no one is Read More
When you're an entrepreneur, it's not uncommon to have 101 great ideas — and that's just before lunch. The trick to success is staying with what you're in the midst of, and finishing it, before you head off to tackle the next World's Greatest Idea Read More

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