The Top 100 Lamest Excuses for NOT Innovating and a simple solution to eliminate them for any audience motivated to learn. From Heart of Innovation. Read More
Companies in trouble fail to realise that loss of sales is a symptom rather than the problem. In some cases throwing money at increasing sales masks the deeper problems. With the recession this is less likely to be the action taken and some companies will have to look at the underlying reasons why they don't achieve their goals. Read More
The most efficient and effective tool is worthless unless it is used by someone that understands how to use the tool to its fullest capability. Worse, the tool can often cause more harm than good when used improperly. Read More
Mather introduces some unique views on traditional goal-achievement. Read More
You don't need whiners and complainers when you're building your team. If you want your business to truly flourish, you've got to focus on building a strong team of leaders. Read More
Professional Services Guru David Maister has made an offer on his website to give a free copy of his book, Strategy and the Fat Smoker, to a senior executive or managing partner of your firm. Do it quickly. The offer is only good for the first 100 eligible senior executives or firm managing partners. Read More

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