Australian business coach Greg Chapman discusses the steps of small business development. Most interesting is his analysis of a mature business and the suggestion that businesses that are coasting at this point without growth and evolution may actually be in the first stages of decline. Read More
With friends, family, and co-workers like these—In the spirit of opening your eyes but not inducing paranoia, when small businesses fall victim to identity theft, someone they know is more often than not the guilty party whose tampering has a direct impact on their credit standing. Read More
Knowing what kind of insurance to get can be an issue for many small business owners, so here are the basics: Worker's compensation insurance is the only kind required by law, but liability and property insurance are highly recommended. They can be tailored to different needs, but in their most basic forms they protect against legal damages in th Read More
It's easy to watch someone else get all the glory. All you have to do is stand and listen. But if you're an entrepreneur who craves media attention, you may ask yourself, “Why isn't that me in front of the camera?” Molding your business into an industry and media darling takes time and planning. If you truly want free publicity, it's up to you to Read More
a video presentation from johnmoore of the BRAND AUTOPSY MARKETING PRACTICE. When "small businesses" dream, they usually dream of becoming a bigger busines... Read More
Call one customer and ask him or her to share something they need, want, like or dislike about doing business with your organization. That's it! Now, what's your 15-Minutes Business Booster tip? Read More
As a small business owner, you have something going for you that larger businesses don't. You already know who your main audience is. You know because if you're running a brick and mortar, your main audience are very often the folks located 10, 20, maybe 30 miles from your storefront. Your challenge is to make sure you get on their radar. It's nic Read More
Matt Cutts from Google on content is king and keyword research interviewed by TV Read More
More and more companies face difficult choices on how to grow your company. Two choices facing all companies is employee healthcare or advertising. Which one would you invest in to grow your business? Read More
A look at the best business ideas and how they are affected by the "new rules of business" in the 21st century. Read More

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