If you’re spending marketing dollars to place ads on other companies’ websites, here is some sobering news. According to a new survey conducted by Warc, a company that monitors advertising trends, 31% of all online ads are “never seen” by website visitors. Read More
Every engineer who has invented some new technology, or is adept at creating solutions, believes that is the hard part, and it should be a short step to take that solution to market as an entrepreneur. In reality, that short business step embodies far more risk, and a poor technology solution is no Read More
Chances are your business has a lot of marketing content hiding away. It could be in old direct mail pieces, printed collateral or in the bowels of your website. Why not look for ways to repurpose all of that valuable content? The attached article offers some thoughts on doing that and reaping the Read More
If you want to include images, videos, branding or a color scheme in your emails, you have to create them with HTML.

Some people don’t want to learn HTML or hire a designer; plus, they believe sending HTML emails will bring down their delivery rates.

If that’s you, read on. Read More
When some professionals ask me for tips and advise, they usually focus on the very social media platforms. They are looking for tricks on how to better use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. As soon as I aks a couple of discovery questions, I immediately realise they have another problem: they don't Read More
Nowadays, most products in the same industry are more or less the same. That means that your marketing is what will set you apart from your competitors. Read More
It’s taken a long time (nearly seven years!) but my business has grown to the point where I don’t have to accept every single SEO client that comes my way in order to survive. My SEO company is secure enough that I can afford to be a little discerning when choosing which potential clients I want to Read More
Not every business is going to sell the same things that another business already sells. In fact, there are plenty of businesses out there starting up every day that sell a completely new product or offer a brand new service. Maybe it’s similar to another product or service, or based off of another Read More
Craig Elias, the author of Shift, goes over numerous sales and marketing points in this segment from an hour long interview. In this segment, Craig talks about Sales Lead Process. Read More
The problem much of the world is having with social media is how to gauge its value. Everyone knows there is value to be had, but measuring it is proving to be tricky. CFOs are tearing their hair out and driving CMOs crazy with demands of financially quantifiable returns. Read More

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