People still love to watch television — and most of them still prefer to watch their favorite shows “live.” Yet recent research from Deloitte finds that viewers’ television-watching preferences are changing dramatically in ways your company needs to know.
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If you're thinking about getting into the vending machine business, there's a new opportunity in "healthy vending" called h.u.m.a.n.(Helping Unite Man with Nutrition). This new angle on vending machine foods comes as no surprise, since we've seen a move to healthier foods in other parts of the fast Read More
Regardless of where you are in your career, attending events is always beneficial. It provides an opportunity to network, and allows you to learn from your industry’s biggest names. But if you’re looking to take it to the next level and go from event attendee to guest speaker here are a few tips. Read More
Online marketing, it’s all the rage. You know you need to be doing it, but the ‘how’ doesn’t always come easy. Like anything, if you are going to get involved, you want to do it right. Or perhaps, you have already used online marketing, but you’ve organized it as a structured campaign? Either way, Read More
Here’s the deal. Those Superbowl ads that we know and love – yeah – they aren’t designed to sell. They are designed to entertain. For a giant like Proctor and Gamble, this is fine. For them, mere awareness is worth paying for, and can actually work in some ways. For us, the real people, spending mo Read More
Survey reveals strong opinions on the importance of using branded, domain-name-based email addresses in business. White paper results. Read More
The SEO industry may have one of the most negative reputations of any marketing –related field. Oftentimes the only reason SEO is being talked about in major news outlets is if a major company has been busted for practicing black hat SEO—like the J.C. Penney link building scam that made national he Read More
The success story of Oakley and its impact in your personal branding efforts that can actually make or break your business and career. Read More
You drive traffic to your blog through Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin. Do not let your blog drive that traffic away. Make sure it has these five essential pages. Read More
When implementing an SEO campaign one piece of advice is to think of it like dessert, maybe like a box of cookies for example. It might be tempting to eat the whole box in one sitting, but it’s likely that you will feel sick after doing so and probably gain a few pounds in the process. Like dessert Read More

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