A young franchise company out of Vancouver, BC, may not have the marketing team at Netflix freaking out all that much, but Toni Carlos and Sue Bacey don't really care. These ladies couldn't help but notice that there has been lots of interest in DVD's... Read More
Facebook's Non-profit resource center now showcases success stories as well as a new guide for NPOs. Read More
(This is a guest post from Kathleen McDonald, who is an International franchise development consultant with 25 years experience.) In this post, she talks about her recent trip to the International Franchise Expo, and some of the things that surprised her. Read More
It's about time; there certainly hasn't been a new business coaching-type franchise offered for over a year now, and I for one, feel that we need more business coaches! The need must be huge! Read More
Business Networking Hull. Meet Likeminded People For Business Networking Events in Hull, East Yorkshire Read More
Most bloggers spend time tweaking their blogs - their themes, their layout, their colour schemes etc. But few bloggers ever give thought to the amount of time it takes to actually write a post - and most bloggers are typists of the 'hunt and peck' variety and have never thought about learning to ty Read More
One of many open source products that has helped to make Splatforms.com what it is today is Apache Velocity. One of the most powerful features of Velocity is the ability to create reusable functions known as Velocimacros. The Splatforms Task specification provides a section in the Task definition w Read More
Terry L. Sjodin has written Small Message, Big Impact: How To Put The Power Of The Elevator Speech Effect To Work For You. Sjodin is founder of Sjodin Communications, a firm that specializes in communications training for business. Read More
I love when I come across a first time home buyer that is excited about the process of insurance buying and interested in learning about the insurance program we're going to place on the home. But where we can run into trouble is when that proactive home buyer pretends that they know more about in Read More
One of the biggest debates in the world of personal finance is whether it is preferable to use a credit card or a debit card. Of course, there is no standard answer. As with all issues in personal finance, whether you should use a debit card or a credit card comes down to your own [...] Read More

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