While there are various social networking sites which many business owners are members of these days, there are two which stand out from the rest - Facebook and Twitter. Here are some pros and cons for each. Read More
In today's education post, John Jantsch covers 5 very important and practical tips to gain the most positive benefit from Facebook that any small business owner should use. Read More
Though there are many bloggers, only a few can be considered G.R.E.A.T. Follow these five tips to captivate your audience and prove your mettle in the blogosphere. Read More
Many people have the misconception that if they want to increase the amount of web traffic they have to spend a fortune, but in reality you can achieve this target without spending any penny at all. Read More
In a recent Web Cast, I went over The 12 Things I Learned About Twitter where I reviewed the 12 points, and also added 8 more points. Here is the eleventh point, When To Tweet. Read More
Business owners who have survived the recession are bummed out, burned out and stressed out. They know it's not the best time to sell, and their business may not actually be listed, but if someone offered to put them out of their misery, many would jump at the chance. Read More
You can read all the blogging advice in the world, but none of it matters unless you take action. To set your blog up to be a massive success, you have to ruthlessly focus your efforts on things that work... Read More
Sitting in the bathroom directly across from the hall from the receptionist I hear the phone ring. It is answered dutifully by my young but ever so efficient Korean staff. "Mr. Carlson?", I'm sorry, he'll have to call you back. He's in the toilet". Click. Read More
If you are like me, then you love inspiring, challenging, motivating, or even tough-love when it comes to famous quotes. It is amazing how the words of others can really rock your world by resonating with your heart. We all have a favorite, so last week we asked -

What single quote is your all- Read More
The end of the world was supposed to be yesterday. When I saw my Klout score drop from 61 to 13 and my empire Avenue price rocket from 73 to 150, I thought it was today! Emotional or what? Read More

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