Understanding how resources are used in projects is essential for effective project management. But don't just rely on what your tools are telling you - it is important for managers to listen to their teams and act if they are over-stretched. Read More
Facebook is the new country, where millions of people play, share and work. The days of being a social network for college students is long gone. How well do you understand the opportunities in this new country? How prepared are you to build your presence and business in Facebook in the right wa Read More

The Pipeline

Avatar Posted by SalesDuJour under Finance
From http://www.sellbetter.ca 4878 days ago
What happens when social-ism meets capital-ism? Or more to the point, can a publicly traded LinkedIn serve two masters at one time?

Specifically, now that LinkedIn has gone public, the first thing they need to buy with their new funding is a bigger bed to accommodate some new bedfello Read More
Search Engine Optimization can be confusing for new bloggers and even for experienced bloggers. WordPress in itself already allows search engines to see what is going on but there are some very handy plugins that simplifies a bloggers life and that help you to rank better. I consider the list of SE Read More
You work hard to build your small business website. Your next step would be protecting your hard work to prevent disruptions on your business operations. Read More
I recently visited an online store and for some reason, I was hesitant about placing an order, unsure about the security on the site. Looking around for a Testimonials page, I was unable to find one. I wanted reassurance from other customers that they had achieved customer satisfaction from this si Read More
This post is about how I like to disappear into the mountains for days at a time and then reemerge with amazing ideas to help grow my blog and my business. It’s also about a particular handful of amazing ideas that I emerged from the Grand Canyon with last week.

But first, let me back up a bit a Read More
Who is Heather Stephens? If you don't know about her yet, then I encourage you to visit her blog right now. She has created an amazing forum to help bloggers who are tired of their blogs being isolated online and want a massive surge of traffic, comments and subscribers. Read More
Learn these simple SEO tips for image optimization from Helen Innes. Optimizing your website images is important in search engine optimization. Read More
Home business entrepreneurs are people who have the mindset that they are doing more than just a job. To reap the rewards keep these few things in mind. Read More

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