Millions of college graduates have crossed the stage and received their diploma. What now? This creative piece offers a little insight into finding "your river." Read More
This discusses how to distribute an eBook to your mailing list using WordPress. Marketing gurus tell you that an eBook is a good premium to reward someone for giving you their email address, but the mechanics of distribution are not usually discussed. Read More
The Internet has changed some of the ways we do business and communicate with others. Here are some of the new careers available, thanks to the Internet. Read More
A new facebook applications that compiles your facebook activity data from June 2009 to present or you can set the timeline, that slice and create a 28 page beautiful album organizing all of your memories. Read More
If I had a dollar for every time someone has said to me, “One of these days, I’m going to start my own company,” I’d be rich. If this day ever comes for all these people, we will be overrun by startups. Yet I don’t lose any sleep over either of these possibilities. Read More
Check out the weekly online business roundup. A weekly link list that brings you the best articles of the week for business, online business, blogging, social media and SEO. Read More
Your Twitter News Daily Just Got Better Just to recap, is a free Twitter service from Small Rivers that allows you to create an online newspaper of your Tweets. Not to long ago, Facebook updates (based on keywords) Read More
LinkedIn, one of the largest social network for business professionals, has finally gone public on May 19 and listed on the NYSE. How's the IPO going so far? Read More
In most small businesses, bookkeeping is a major problem. But with the Real Time Business Cycle solution, you can go paperless and completely outsource bookkeeping and accounting! Read More
Through this week I’ve taken my readers through the 23 qualities that I believe set a custom made business owner apart. Today I wrap up this 5 part series with3 qualities that I feel can make or break any business, particularly a custom made business Read More

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