How can you be a superhero? You are already made up of the same stuff as superheroes—or you could be. Read More
Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg changed the world of online networking! It's amazing how he did that. His leadership may have started out wrong--his initial desire was to just have a platform so he can date pretty girls. But then, the network grew. and grew until it got to where it is now. Here are... Read More
A personal vision statement is a great way to sum up your dreams and ambition in life. It helps clarify what you want to achieve so that you would also understand what you need to do to achieve such vision. In addition to a personal vision, you also need a personal inventory so you could take a look... Read More
American Idol is like blogging. There’s likability, judging and voting just like on TV. Do you use popularity as a measure of your blog success? Read More
In a recent Web Cast, I went over The 12 Things I Learned About Twitter where I reviewed the 12 points, and also added 8 more points. Here is the tenth point, Scheduling Tweets. Read More is shutting down for good. The social bookmarking site, which was on its death bed before an infusion of cash revived it in 2009, has struggled over the last two years keep its doors open.In a blog post yesterday, CEO Mike Koss and Faves' sole employee, said the company was not able to su Read More
Finding high pr backlinks and quality backlinks from EDU and GOV sites are so important for getting high search engine rankings. Here's how I find hundreds per day... Read More
Learn how to effectively creating you opt in email list and become a superstar to them. Increase your overall income and sales. Read More
Friday, the sun is finally shining and I’m thinking that I’ve got more than enough on my “first of the year” long summer weekends….so here’s a roundup of the top outstanding items I’ve been looking at mentionning – and now am, eh!

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The success of a startup depends on hard work and a bit of chance. Through trial and error entrepreneurs find and perfect their business model, only to be discouraged when they cannot find a team to execute their ideas. Read More

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