“Many of life's failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Alva Edison. There are millions of people with brilliant ideas that never become real... Read More
Pinging content is a very important step if you are serious about grabbing the top positions on the search engines with your content and drive limitless traffic. However your blog has probably been banned for spamming. Why? Read More
With that as a preamble, during the discussion, Craig asked what we thought of the term Chief Revenue Officer. To tell you the truth, I'd never thought about it before, I'd never really taken it terribly seriously. Apparently, it's coming more in vogue, though I'm a little confused about why. I lat Read More
HTC Bresson, the newest smartphone from T-Mobile, has just been leaked with some notable features such as this will be a Windows Phone 7 device with an amazing 16 MP camera. Read More
Yelp met with its Small Business Advisory Council and announced new features in the works for the search and review service. Read More
Video on making sure you can get the bank loans your small business needs to grow. The video talks about the three things your banker will want to see before making a loan. Read More
For anyone that wants to use a translation service such as this on your site you need to block all the translated pages from Google™ using your robots.txt file. You also should consider using a VPS server to host the site. Read More
The world truly has a love for entrepreneurs. Those trailblazers that ventured into the business world and succeeded on their own and against all odds have a mythic quality to them. You could even say entrepreneurs are the modern day equivalent to traditional folk heroes. Yes, there is a folksy cha Read More
As a custom made business owner setting up a venture is all about passion, drive, attitude and creativity among other things. Creating one of a kind products and services is not easy but with a little bit of humor and inspiration on your side it’s not altogether difficult Read More
Businesses need to manage their reputation. Here are some strategies to boost your online business reputation quotient (RQ) and bring on the profit. Read More

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