Corporate Social Responsibility starts with the leaders. Without the consent of the leaders, the CSR efforts of employees will fall short. So the leaders should show the example of commitment to CSR so that the employees will be motivated to follow through.The CSR strategy should be in line with the... Read More
Recently, I read a story about a restaurant franchise chain that experienced around 20 burglaries in a short period of time. While not all the burglaries occurred at the same store, there were repeat burglaries at some of the stories. The burglaries ended up costing the stores thousands of dollar Read More
Typing on a smart phone can be both a wonderful and frustrating experience at the same time. It can be wonderful when you are able to type sentences at a blazing speed and have words auto corrected but it can also be very frustrating when that same auto correct populates the wrong word or you keep Read More
One thing that limits innovation in established companies is that employees don’t have access to insights or worse yet, don’t know what an insight is to begin with. How do you identify new insights for innovation? Read More
While owning a foreign bank account is not illegal, failing to declare its existence is against the law. With bank secrecy laws crumbling around the world and the IRS pursuing tax evaders aggressively, the odds are far greater that you will be caught sooner rather than later. Read More Read More
May 16-20, 2011 marks the 48th Annual Small Business Week. This post provides some amazing statistics through infographics. Learn why the US is a great place to start a small business. Read More
You have designed a beautiful website and you sit there waiting for people to visit your site and contact you. The chances are you’ll be waiting a long time. Are you one of the 1 in 4 web site owners that has not optimized your site with keywords to rank higher in the search engines. You may say yo Read More
Email marketing is cheap and extremely effective. But there are plenty of areas where you can make mistakes. Visit the article for ideas as to how you could use email, and how do it right. Read More
The latest survey commissioned by the Open Group revealed that companies are having a hard time in determining the return-on-investment (ROI) of a cloud project. Read More

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