Spring is the season of new growth, which brings to mind the question — what are you doing right now to attract new growth in your business?

It’s really easy to just get into the mode of “going with the flow” when it comes to your networking. But perhaps it’s time to shake things up a bit. Read More
When it comes to purchasing CRM software, one thing is for sure, it’s a buyer’s market. The proliferation of cloud-based CRM software out on the market today is mind-boggling and that is good news for SMBs. Read More
Research firm Forrester surveyed 1000 IT decision-makers from North American and European enterprise companies with 1000 or more employees to determine their SaaS habits. More specifically, the research firm surveyed them to find out how SaaS is being used and their impression of benefits and drawb Read More
I often hear the qualms of business-smart but non-technical entrepreneurs, wondering if they really have a chance in this high-technology marketplace. I tell them that if their idea or solution is technology intensive, they clearly need technology strength on the team. Then the question becomes “Ho Read More
The 99% Conference both inspired and armed me with new ideas to be creative and productive. Here are 11 takeaways from the conference. Read More
Cloud lock-in is an issue today - switching to another cloud vendor is not easy; here are 3 types of cloud lock-in you need to consider when deciding whether you should switch or not. Read More
This is an video from a recent web cast on The 12 Things I Learned From Twitter from Jeffrey Gitomer's best seller, Social Boom! Here is the third tip, Respond. Read More
Olivier Blanchard is a brand strategist with 15 years of B-to-B and B-to-C marketing management and the author of the book Social Media ROI. You many know Olivier from Twitter where he goes by @thebrandbuilder. In the show, we discuss what exactly Social Media ROI is and how businesses like yours c Read More
Online, we all know that your competition is only a mouse click away. This law does not only apply to customers who are browsing your website, but it also applies to customers you do not quickly serve and provide a response to.
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There are choices of hosted blogging platform like Blogger and WordPress.com and self hosted paid version such as WordPress.org. Using a hosted blogging platform to blog is easier compare to a self hosted blog. As long as you know how to write, you can put your blog up within 5-10 mins and have wri Read More

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