Affiliate networks are not affiliate program management agencies. They are not hired to grow and manage your affiliate program. Simply put, they are platforms that provide merchants with such services as tracking, reporting, hosting of creatives and datafeeds, payments to affiliates, etc, but the v Read More
The Term SEO has become a new catch phrase amongst a number of business owners. When the term SEO is used its also seen as one of those things that only a true techie or geek could possibly understand. It’s seen as beyond the understanding of most business owners. My aim in this post is to demystif Read More
You can (and should) help your salespeople overcome their resistance to the sales process. Here are a few ideas. Read More
Last week, I met with a sales team I’d been coaching on a large opportunity. For the most part, they were doing everything right. They had focused on identifying all the critical business impact, change management, and related issues facing the customer. They had presented a business based solution Read More John Mickel, owner of Dynamic Carpet Care shares insightful marketing ideas and tells viewers how he grows his family business. Read More
What does it mean to you when Google’s lead engineer on the Panda update says “Sites that put more individual care and work into their content” will reap the benefits of the new algorithm because "it's what all users prefer.”? Some thoughts>>> Read More
The home page of our website now assumes more responsibilities than ever. With the ability to continue to add more and more features in the sidebars and the top and bottom parts of our home page, we need to realize what must be there and what we can get rid of. Otherwise, you run the risk of having Read More
In today's post John Jantsch covers the idea behind the well known animal metaphor - food or foe? When approaching leads, it is important to approach them in a beneficial way as opposed to coming after people with an aggressive approach. Read More
Is your blog traffic going to last forever? You think so? Yes, it is important to build your traffic, build your blog. But, more important is the fact that you have to keep on doing it: you have to maintain your traffic, you have to keep the visitors coming. Read More
Yes, of course it is still a tweet, but it not an effective one. In fact, it is virtually (yes, pun intended) worthless. The first step to launching a social media marketing campaign is understanding when and how much to post. Read More

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