Have you ever thought of running an online store yourself? It's certainly one way you can make a living online like Steve who runs a blog at his site called My Wife Quit Her Job. But before I spilled too much about what he does, I'll let him do the talking. Read More
This is a creative blog that I wrote to show the importance of blogging for women entrepreneurs even though there are different styles among writers. As women business owners, we need to share and mentor, blogging is a great way to do that. Whether you give the straight facts or add personal anec Read More
Upside is a blog created by UPS to share personal insights and perspective about the largest transportation company in the world. Read More
Conducting live chat sessions or webinars through Facebook can do great things for a company’s image and database, and are easy to do. Read More
Google may have more distributed data than any other company but it still takes user input to create smarter machines. Google's Voice Search speech recognition, for example, began to improve when the service started to train itself and improve accuracy through the use of end-user data Read More
There are obvious opportunities stemming from Wi-Fi Direct and Apple’s Airplay technologies, but how does one look beyond point solutions and hardware products to find the larger opportunity? The answer came to me during a conversation with Urs Hoelzle, Google’s SVP of engineering at Google. Read More
Detailed comparison of 10 different press release distribution engines such as PRWeb and Mass Media Distribution. Read More
A few providers are not just creating huge data dumps -- collecting and structuring data from multiple sources -- but creating marketplaces for others to find and use that data. They include Microsoft's Windows Azure DataMarket and InfoChimp, who hope to connect enterprises with the data they want Read More
BUSINESS: Learn the myth of “Overnight Success”. SOCIAL MEDIA: The e-Newsletter debate. PERFORMANCE TIP OF THE WEEK: WeWe Monitor – For more efficient website content. Read More
The software that helped IBM's Watson computer reign victorious on the Jeopardy game show in February could also help the financial industry assess risk more effectively, a pair of IBM executives stated on Monday at a high-performance computing conference.

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