You don’t have to be a green company to have some green-minded customers. Whether you sell paint, paving services, lighting fixtures, or plumbing supplies, a certain number of your customers are already seeking eco-friendly products or services. How do you reach them? Here are some marketing option Read More
A recent survey from American Express found that before customers will do business with you, nearly half of them will go online to check out your customer service reputation. The survey also reported that after customers read good things online about a company’s service, they actually experience be Read More
Customer turnover is a fact of life in business. But studies show that if you increase customer retention by just 5 percent, you could increase profits by 25 percent or more. One great way to boost your customer retention program is to communicate with your different customer segments in different Read More
As a small business owner you expect your business to grow and you need to deal with a variable activity load. As an entrepreneur you are probably looking to move CapEx to OpEx, or you don’t have technology expertise in-house. Then the cloud offers real value and can save up to 40% of your IT costs Read More
Did you know there are 3X as many smartphones being activated every minute around the world than there are babies being born? That's according to Hans Vestberg, CEO of Ericsson. "Those of us in this room can remember when mobile coverage was rare and we chose when to go online," Vestberg said on sta... Read More
Web-connected devices, not just mobile phones and 3G tablets but everything from home electronics to consumer packaged goods instrumented to transmit data to the Web, have become a part of every major speech here at the wireless industry's giant conference in Orlando, CTIA. "All devices that can ben... Read More
Adsense is one place where many bloggers want to earn more and quick. Therefore to have a good earning, we need to follow some of the basic Tricks of adsense. Read More
What coupons should online merchants offer? What makes a "killer coupon"? What should coupon landing pages cover? All of these (and more) questions are answered here. Read More
The funny thing is, I feel like I’ve changed a lot in recent years, particularly since I left my University of Washington position and began creating a different life. So if I’ve been making changes in my life (as I have been), why do I see such consistent themes emerging in my writing. Why does a Read More
She was curious and had many questions for me. Do we have more mottos? Do we need them? Are they important? What are they? Who makes them up? What was yours as a kid mommy? Did grandma have one? All of these questions, not so many answers…lol! Read More

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