The funny thing is, I feel like I’ve changed a lot in recent years, particularly since I left my University of Washington position and began creating a different life. So if I’ve been making changes in my life (as I have been), why do I see such consistent themes emerging in my writing. Why does a Read More
She was curious and had many questions for me. Do we have more mottos? Do we need them? Are they important? What are they? Who makes them up? What was yours as a kid mommy? Did grandma have one? All of these questions, not so many answers…lol! Read More
One of the things that struck me was how many people (mostly ladies) that I knew and how happy I was to see them again. They are my tribe. (Tribe can also mean your team or your customers – but this tribe is different – these are my colleagues; we have similar goals.) For an awesome book on develop Read More
Sales people need to stop the end of month or quarter ritual and adopt a year round approach to success. A steady flow of input makes for a steady flow of output, delivering better results with no extra effort. Read More
Have you been struggling to make money with Adsense? If so, this article teaches you how to starting making money with Adsense. Read More
The first Sony Tablet running Android 3.0 will be released by the end of this summer. The news was confirmed by Chief Executive Officer of Sony, Howard Stringer. Read More
Properly addressed mail ensures that your letter or package will get to its international destination. Read More
This article looks at online stock photography and whether or not it gives the right impression to potential customers. Find out more... Read More
How motivated is your team?

Motivation is one of the most important aspects of people management.

1. If people are well motivated, then they produce more.
2. If they are demotivated they produce less.

So, it is important that you understand the principles of motivation.

In order to hel Read More
If you are using Wordpress for your corporate site of blog, you might already be addicted to plugins. However, not all plugins can meet your business needs. I have found ... Read More

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