Grow your current sales by calling on past clients. See where you can add value and reduce the cost of sales. Read More
While there are ways to jumpstart your traffic (like StumbleUpon) many sites don’t have the resources that others have to get more traffic for your site. You don’t have to spend money; all you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site. Read More
Thoughts on when it is okay to fail and when it is not okay to fail. These meditations focus on the contests in sales, as well as the contests in life. Sometimes it is okay to fail, but never when it is a failure that could have been prevented by additional effort. Read More
The success of CRM lies in customized CRM reports, integration and access of these reports to various forms. When it comes for integration, CRM must integrate with mobile, next trend is mobile CRM. Once again enlightening blog post on CRM. Read More
With so many CRM solutions available on the market with different features sets and deliveries it’s impossible to say that one is better than the other for each and every business. That’s why it’s important for a company to determine ahead of time what their specific needs are and then start the selection process. Read More
A slow and steady approach to sales and prospecting yields gr4eater results in sales and allows you to avoid the usual "ups and downs" of selling. Develop the discipline to maintain a key activities throughout the cycle instead. Read More
A good brochure design not only increases your sales potential, but also leaves a good first impression on your potential customers. While a well-designed brochure makes for an effective marketing tool, a poorly-designed one is a sure-fire way to drive potential customers away. Learn how you can build an effective brochure design that sells with the help of these tips: Read More
Many small businesses have been using postcards in their marketing campaigns. However, not everyone succeeds in advertising with postcards. Remember that direct postcard marketing works best with proper utilization and execution. Here’s how you can do it: Read More
We have always been hugely influenced by images and messages. Do you know what your business is telling the world? Read More
There is a lot of mis-understanding and confusion out there about Coaching and what it actually is... Read More

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