Are your employees from heaven or hell? If you are like most small businesses you have both. But what is the employee from hell actually costing you? Read More
Small business owners often wonder whether it is better to lease or purchase. There are cash management and tax considerations. This article sheds light on the issue. Read More
Should an entrepreneur use credit cards to fund a start-up or to finance ongoing business? Who does the new Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009 really protect? Here are the facts. Read More
A couple of months back, I was somehow allowed to be on a conference call with CEO Matt Shay and some others, from The International Franchise Association. (IFA) The topic was the lack of availability for small business loans. I'm... Read More
Award-winning writer, Jerry Wilkerson, has been in the franchise industry for a paltry 32 years. He has been adding his thoughtful insight as of late, to all who will read his articles. Jerry may not know that he's an award-winning... Read More
Want to improve the quality of your customer presentations? Here are four simple questions to challenge yourself with. If you can answer these before walking into the appointment with your prospective customer, you will significantly increase the odds of a successful effort. Good luck! Read More
After the end of SES New York, Bing’s developers shared with the attendees about their plans to start testing some of their new features this coming summer. One of the features mentioned is Quick Tabs where it anticipates the intent of the task that the customer wants to accomplish and provide shortcuts for activities such as weather, events, and maps.
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Anthony Iannarino interviews Tom Peters on his new book, The Little Big Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence. Tom talks about brand you, the little big things in sales, the value of business acumen, the politics of change management, and Twitter. (Part One) Read More
Twitter has the potential to allow you to reach a larger targeted audience. Here are a couple of ways to follow and unfollow Twitterers. In addition, a way to target a Twitterers by geography or by category. Read More
Affiliate marketing will not be effective if it is not done in the right way. Here are some reasons why some afiliate marketers fail. Read More

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