Learn how the Theory of Constraints was used to improve a manufacturing company's cash flow and profitability. This case study is based on a real project. Read More
How important is the online presence today? How many of us (in the entire world) spend our day-to-day time: online?
Today websites become virtual business cards for both corporate and personal branding. The truth is we all have an

online reputation, whether we realize it or not.

The question is: do we choose to build it for us or let the search engines pick up the answers - randomly? Here Read More
I was on TweetDeck today when this tweet came through from @KelleyRenee: How am I not following @Forever21_tweet yet? 10% off $40+ online, now thru 2/6!

Learn how a huge national retailer is using free online social tools to promote a new sale. Read More
Is LinkedIn worth spending time on for entrepreneurs, small business owners, content producers and more? David Siteman Garland and author of Linked Working Lewis Howes debate. Read More
Using Twitter as integrated part of a social media strategy is an imperative! However, to use it effectively, a business needs to invest time in managing their Twitter strategy. Read More
How do you follow-up with your prospects after your first conversation or after your first appointment? Sometimes we get so tired of chasing people down that we lose focus and take the lazy approach of “calling to touch base,” or “calling to check-in,” both of which bring little value.

Here are 8 follow-up strategies you can use to bring constant value and keep your prospect moving forward th Read More
Do you have any idea where advertising spend is headed? Are you marketing on the wrong media? Want to see where you can get a bigger bang for your buck? Oh, by the way, TV as we know it will may be dead in few years. Read More
Great salespeople have the ability to speak well and to convey their ideas and their solutions. This ability in great salespeople is never exercised until they have exercised the even greater communication skill of listening first. Great salespeople listen to understand, and they know that it conveys the even more important communication that they care. Read More
While words count for a lot, in sales as with most things, professionals should be judge by their actions, interactions with buyers, and the results of these. If sales people were not competitive by nature, their companies would not thrive. Read More
En explanation of why business ideas are offered for free. Why free business ideas can be good or bad and how the entrepreneur adds value. Read More

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