Media consumption behaviour has been changing radically. While TV has still been remaining the most important media channel the number of people having watched online videos has witnessed growth by nearly 70% in 2009, while time spent on online videos has increased by 46% on average Read More
Are You Choosing to Survive or Thrive During These Times?-Even with everything we've been hearing about the economy, people are still spending money. Read More
The book you don't read can't help you!-By best selling author and speaker Tim Connor The book you don't read can't help you. The seminar you miss cannot contribute to your success. The CD's ...The book you don't read can't help you! Read More
How do you know when it’s the right time to scratch your business itch? I can tell you that your moment is right now. Your reading this tells me that you have the same drive and desire to inspire others with your creativity. Read More

For this week’s post at AMEX OPENForum I outlined 5 Ways That Sales People Can Benefit From Using Social Media

Social media tools are incredible for engagement, amplification, nurturing and deepening relationships – all the stuff that sales is supposed to do. In fact, social media tools are probably more useful in the hands of the right salesperson than the entire marketing department. Read More
In their efforts to better connect with prospects many sales people are becoming more casual in their approach. This alarming trend is wrong for several reasons. Read More
I read the 4-Hour Workweek not too long after it came out. I bought a copy for my dad, recommended it to my friends and generally considered it a solid inspirational piece. But as its popularity has grown and Tim Ferriss has effectively become synonymous with words like ‘lifestyle design’ and ‘productivity,’ I’ve noticed a serious problem. Read More
Is it easy to make a connection with top bloggers? It’s certainly not that difficult on the face of it, as blogs and bloggers live and thrive on the comments that are appended beneath each post. However, we advocate that you should take a much more balanced approach to making your move and that by doing so, you should be able to cement a much more productive relationship in due course. Read More
Let’s face it. We live in a world where information can be found online for just about anything. What can’t be found online can be found in books, and what can’t be found in books can be found through internships, jobs, and mentors. This leaves a lot of young entrepreneurs wondering, “Is college even worth it?” Read More
Great salespeople have the ability to create high-level rapport with their prospects and their clients. Great salespeople have the ability to connect on a very human level. This rapport is built upon the salesperson’s empathy and their emotional intelligence. These attributes combine to generate trust and confidence, and they are the foundation of long-term relationships. Read More

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