Got a great idea for a business? Wondering if you can patent it before someone else comes up with something similar?

Here’s what you need to know about what patent protection can do for your business, and about other intellectual property issues that should also come into play. Read More
We all know that having an online presence is crucial for your business' success. Most consumers do their product and service research online, so if you aren't on the web, you're missing out on a huge amount of potential customers. Read More
For a designer, more clients mean more business and hence more earning. What if there are fewer clients and less money (at the end of the project)? Nothing to worry about as there are many options to monetize a web design business without having web design clients. To know some of the commonly used Read More
When working as a freelancer, one of the great benefits is making money for yourself instead of someone else. However, one of the downsides is that you have to take care of all of your own invoicing. For many freelancers, this can seem like a nightmare... Read More
The late, great Steve Jobs said that this was his goal all along and everyone should try to aim for it as well. Putting a dent in the universe is something that we should all strive for, it’s a huge achievement for use but in comparison to the universe it is tiny. Read More
The Penguin and Panda updates aim at helping websites with genuine and good quality content penalizing low quality content and webspam. Consequentially, the reader gets better search results with quality content. Read More
biNu can turn your low-end mobile phone into a smartphone via an innovative, cloud-based mobile app. The target market is huge: Worldwide. Read More
Every week, I hear from entrepreneurs who want to know how to reach their audience.

I ask them: “Who is your audience?”

You'd be surprised at how many falter at answering this. Read More
If you listen long enough to those in the promotional products industry you'd think logo-stamped pens and key chains were the greatest business invention since sliced bread. But seriously, do you actually look at that pen, mug, or shirt and go all mushy gushy over the business that gave it to you? Read More
Despite being one of the oldest forms of marketing, there are still those who commit errors with their telemarketing campaigns. Read this article to find out the most common mistakes to help you avoid them. Read More

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