If you find yourself not working effectively from home, it’s crucial to get to the bottom of the reasons quickly. Being unproductive can cost you your business, clients, and even your job. Take a few minutes to review the three areas below to determine what it is about working from home that is no Read More
Small business owners are most often living day to day, juggling responsibilities, projects and expenses. Because of the busy entrepreneurial lifestyle, more often than not, personal financial decisions are often pushed to the bottom of the “to do” list. Retirement planning is one of those items th Read More
Many of you might be surprised, but I was actually trained as a physicist.  One of the first things we learn in physics --- even in high school are Newton's Read More
About a week ago, I participated in a conversation with a group of frustrated sales executives.  Each was facing tremendous challenges in their businesses, Read More
Numerous franchise resources are linked to here, so if you're thinking of someday buying a franchise type of business, bookmark this page. A lot of the information is very current. Read More
You sit at your kitchen table or home office and sip your coffee. On your mind is the question, “What’s my big idea?” What’s the one thing that is going to turn what I love to do into what I make money doing? Read More
5 steps for a small business owner to take the "scary" out of SEO and get started especially in the middle of all of the recent changes with SEO Read More
Wouldn't it be great if we could start a business without any start-up costs? Sadly, it is just not possible. And because so many people are looking for the no-cost start-up, many small business entrepreneurs forget to factor in all the start-up costs they will incur. Read More
I believe there should be a CNC (covenant not to compete) clause in agreements with agencies to which you're outsourcing your online marketing. But it is apparent that the standard wording of an employer-employee NCAs just won't fly in these contexts. Read More
It’s a beautiful Friday once again, and I’d rather be out in the sunshine say sitting on a patio having a nice Chardonnay today, that working online…but one must do what one must do, eh!

And todays week-ending blog post is about our Snappay app and coverage of our Top Ten Finalist rankings for Read More

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