We’ve discussed the importance of design, navigation and usability. We’ve talked about the role of content and audience in SEO. But there is one piece missing in this series about what makes a good website… conversion – getting the target user to take the desired action.

To paraphrase Alec Baldw Read More
A list of 12 marketing tasks you can do at the airport or during any other downtime. Tasks include catching up on social media, writing a blog entry, getting touch with vendors, analyze your web traffic, cleaning out your inbox, and more. Read More
There are some legal pitfalls that come with blogging and many bloggers have no clue as to how to deal with them. Read More
When it comes to creating a policy to drive the social media efforts of your small business, you can make it as long or short, as complicated or simple as you like. The main goal here is to set some guidelines for managing social media presences as you go forward with this avenue for reaching out t Read More
SEO helps you take steps in order to ensure your website stands out from the rest in search engine results. A fundamental part of SEO marketing is to obtain a good custom domain name for your website.

So what can you do if you are ready to purchase a domain name and someone already has the URL y Read More
While there is no magic formula available for determining which videos will become viral, you can take some steps to ensure your video has a fighting chance. Discover a few elements to consider when creating your promotional videos. Read More
Sometimes when you've to write something, you might be unable to concentrate on writing. Distraction is everywhere, you'll come to understand. So how to concentrate on writing when you're unable to do so? Read More
However, search engine war today seems to be different compared to last time, it is getting harder to rank well in the search engine even big guns on the web... Read More
Gone are the days when people used to be satisfied with just any phone in their pockets; now everyone has a Smartphone to show. The following is a perfunctory list of best Android phones under Rs.20000. Read More
A POS system will allow you to complete customer transactions – and fast. But thanks to the latest technologies in POS systems today, they can do way more than that.
Before you start looking for your next business POS system, it’s important that you consider what features you want your system to h Read More

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