Getting a grant for small business women should not be as difficult as it is. But the world is never as perfect as we want. Read More
It’s my turn to pass along the Sisterhood of the World’s Bloggers Award. I have the please to pass this award along to other deserving bloggers. See who I nominated! Read More
With small businesses that rely on agriculture facing financial hardship as a result of the worst drought to hit the United States in more than 50 years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture last week declared drought disaster areas in nearly half of the counties in the U.S. (1,430 counties out of 3, Read More
"Want to ensure that your blog or website continues to drive organic search traffic and avoid Google algorithm penalties caused by inadvertent SEO problems?" Read More
Scott Thompson of AM900 gave me a call the other day to talk about the future of desktop computers versus iPad-style tablets and the future of RIM. Of course, like every digital-age pundit I'm qualified to talk about anything I want to even topics I don't understand. That's what makes the Interent Read More
London 2012 Olympics Official Sponsor and Partner TV ads adverts. Analysis and review. McDonalds. BP. TSB Lloyds. Samsung. Visa. BT Infinity. Omega. P&G. National Lottery. British Airways. EDF. UPS. Do you agree with my assessment? Read More
Some believe online crisis is a reason to avoid social media. Others feel it’s a reason to get engaged. Still others find that crisis presents opportunities to shine.

Whether or not we are active, we all still need to be prepared, because if a crisis hits, the conversation is going to exist w Read More
Allowing some fun around the office allows a bit of light-heartedness for increased productivity. When someone says that his or her workplace is stuffy or is stifled, that doesn’t necessarily mean that there is no air conditioning. It probably means that things are tense and unnecessarily stressfu Read More
Many of us scoff at the idea of hiring someone else to take care of something we can do for ourselves. But could it be worth it to hire someone else to take care of these tasks after all? Read More
One of the ways to make money online is to participate in affiliate programs. You can usually participate in more than one, and if you are savvy, you can earn money on the commissions. What are Affiliate Programs? Read More

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