As an entrepreneur, you must always be clear-headed and maintain a bird’s eye perspective. It is crucial that you focus on the right tasks!

The key question on success and growing your company is: With what kind of tasks do you spend most of your time? Read More
The growing social media site Pinterest is certainly proving that a picture can be worth a thousand words, as it grows and gains popularity. With over 10 million users, Pinterest is growing at a faster rate than either Facebook or Twitter did at the same point in their histories. Read More
In today's market, the consumer is able to carry out the market research themselves, it is the customer that takes the sale to the provider rather than it being the other way round. However using a CRM solution you are able to track and monitor suspect and existing customer behaviour, points of con Read More
Are you marketing your business with text messaging yet? Text message marketing can be one of the most effective marketing tools in a small business’s arsenal. Yet it’s often overlooked.
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Creating a great newsletter doesn’t have to be this way. Here are some ideas to make your newsletter dynamic, informative, and something your customers will want to read, while at the same time, not giving you a last-minute headache. Read More
What makes the best website content? This infographic details four key elements that all types of content must have to be effective at driving traffic to your site. Read More
Telling your company story visually has never been easier with the visual tools like Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook Timeline. These tools also allow for a visual conversation with your customers, engaging them in story telling. Here are a few tips to using the three most popular visual sites to Read More
How do we know that email marketing works? By tracking and measuring results. Learn some of the most popular ways to track email marketing campaigns. Read More
I have seen that people are keen in buying well-established domains spending huge amount of money in the process. But later on, they actually end up in a different situation altogether. They either buy websites not of their choice or with inappropriate content. Sometimes they are deceived by severa Read More
But what if working from home was not a choice? What if circumstances dictated the necessity to abruptly leave your office desk and quickly shift responsibilities to the taking care of a sick or disabled child, a parent or even a husband for an indefinite period of time? Read More

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